Monday, May 28, 2012


A child blows bubbles
dipping a bent wire
in a can of soapy water
and watches them
flow with the wind, unperturbed
about their destination

Along the way
they disappear
conceding to the wind
and people's restless fingers

the two finally left
one tiny, but tight
the other,
big and pretty loose
are the ones that
draw the child's attention
as he waits for them to quench
his quest for life


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Doodle Bug

keep an eye on the pencil
as it moves around
on a tiny chit, hastily torn
scratching the surface
in short circular motions
boring the ones
incapable to grasp
the suffocation of spaces, defined
captivating the ones, ridiculously
waiting for it to burn a hole,
or simply fall off the rugged surface

Sunday, May 20, 2012

divine comedy

her toes curl around
in anticipation of his warmth
the beat of his racing pulse
punches holes in her heart
bringing him closer through her eyes
her arms wrapped around
in the rungs of knowing him
a part within her begins to rust
the mirror, on the ceiling, shatters
to multiply his existence
gathering the tiny pieces of him
her lips bleed
as she lets go of her divinity